How to Get Rid of Acne Scars With Acne Scar Cream??It really is the most effective thing you can do to get rid of acne scars.One should prefer more vegetables and fruits as it contains lots of minerals and vitamins to restore the skin shine and health. Also, the juices in the fruits keep the body hydrated. One should drink lots of lemon juice to get rid of acne as well as its scars. Both nodules and cysts oftentimes impart deep scars since they are pus-filled wounds deposited deep inside the skin.Acne can be greatly subdued with sufficient sleep and a life without tension and emotional disquiet.I don't recommend this way to get rid of acne scars because it's very painful.3. Next possible method that you should know if you are interested in how to get rid of acne scars is the laser treatment. You go to a specialized doctor and you make appointments.The second is called boxed scars, which are square type U shaped scars. The third is called rolling scars are shallow, wide pits.If you go to your local store, you can find vitamin E oil, either in a pill form, or bottle. Personally I use the bottle, because it is easier to apply to your scars.How to Get Rid of Acne Scars With Acne Scar Cream?? I know this method works to get rid of acne scars, because I have done it myself. I've noticed a drastic decrease in the appearance of my acne scars just from using Vitamin E oil.This particular type of scar is pointed and deep, as though somebody stuck a pick in their skin.The scars may also be more visible, depending on the depth that they occur. One thing that is common, however, is they often leave people wondering how to get rid of acne scars effectively.Acne scars not only cause physical damage, but can be a cause of embarrassment and anxiety for the sufferer. This is why there are products specifically for diminishing and acne scar removal.