Low Cost Auto Insurance For Young Drivers?Insurers generally label new drivers as a high risk liability. Because of alarming statistics, all young car owners were put into the same bracket as far as auto insurance rates goes.This is an unfair treatment even though the young driver in your home has already proven to be an acceptably safe and careful driver in your eyes. Getting cheap car insurance for your children is now possible by using the right methods of getting low cost auto insurance for young drivers in your home.Most parents often make the mistake of going through local agents to get cheap car insurance. Going through local agents can often be a time consuming task.You can take steps to counter that increase in your insurance costs. Electronic anti-theft devices come in different types from just a car alarm all the way to systems that let the police track your vehicle as well as remotely shutting the engine off should there be a pursuit in order to minimize the chances of a high speed chase or an accident caused cause because the thief is trying to get away from the police and all these can get you cheap auto insurance for young drivers.Many companies who offer cheap car insurance for women don't offer any incentive other than cheaper premiums if you book with them, but that's nothing new in today's world. Should insurance companies offer more to the customer as part of their corporate responsibility?The obvious incentives are the eco car insurance policies.Low Cost Auto Insurance For Young Drivers? Many offer 'carbon offsetting' as a means of making us less guilty about driving our cars. There is no denying that young people, in general, are not the most responsible drivers around and this high-risk is translated on the high premiums teens and their parents/ guardians have to pay when driving a vehicle.