Thursday, 17 December 2009

What are commonly used wood flooring wood raw material

Floor frequented by the market, the face of business eloquent introduction to what is what is the floor of their timber, taken from where the advantages of how. Consumer Council by the business-dyed, buy admired the floor is desirable, may be deceived if the appearance of the eyes, not worth the effort of the. Therefore, consumers must learn more about the wood finish of something. Here are several commonly used wood raw material, through their true colors and the pros and cons of sex, may be able to find their own confidence wood flooring.

Original at at 14:49 on December 12, 2009 Reprinted from Sina Real Estate Forum:
Maple: Material weight is moderate, fine structure, cutting surface smooth. The advantage of easy processing, finishing glue is better. The disadvantage is that the phenomenon of drying time to time warping.

Black Walnut: A precious wood, wood grain elegant appearance, with black and purple, elegant and noble. As the hue heavy and demanding paint film after the necessary transparency. Comparing grain depth, transparency and good filling primer and closed strong. Panel processing dyed or plywood when there is fading in the material and over time easily fade. Original at at 14:49 on December 12, 2009 Reprinted from Sina Real Estate Forum:
Original at at 14:49 on December 12, 2009 Reprinted from Sina Real Estate Forum:

Rosewood: Material hard, heavy, texture clear, but lighter in color, structure, medium, smooth cutting surface. Advantages of corrosion resistance, coating, laminating is better. The disadvantage is not easy to dry. Original at at 14:49 on December 12, 2009 Reprinted from Sina Real Estate Forum:

Birch: a little heavy rigid material, structure, detailed, strength. The advantage of machining, finishing glue is good. Original at at 14:49 on December 12, 2009 Reprinted from Sina Real Estate Forum:

Beech: Material hard, straight texture, structure, thin, wear shiny. The advantage of drying is not easy deformation, processing, finishing glue is better.
7 B1 Y / I / P & G "| + R Original in at 14:49 on December 12, 2009 Reprinted from Sina Real Estate Forum: html
Qu Liu: Material slightly heavy hard, beautiful pattern, structure, coarse. The advantage of easy processing, toughness, large, laminated finish is good.
Pine: Pinus koraiensis. Material light, soft, moderate-intensity, dry good, waterproof, corrosion-resistant. The advantage of processing, finishing, coloring cement is good. White Pine. Material light, soft, elastic, structural and meticulous uniform, dry good, waterproof, corrosion-resistant. The advantage of processing, finishing, coloring cement is good. Compared with red pine, white pine high strength. 1? S4 b8 F &] 8 S "Y the original was at 2:49 p.m. on December 12, 2009 Reprinted from Sina Real Estate Forum:
Elm: Material beautiful pattern, structure, coarse. The advantage of machining, finishing glue is good. The disadvantage is that poor drying, easy to crack warp.

Basswood: a little light, soft texture, structure, slightly thin, with silk luster. The advantage of easy to crack, processing, finishing, coloring cement is good.
Oak Tree: The hard material, structure, thick, high strength. The advantage of coloring, finishing is good, easy to dry. The disadvantage is that processing difficulties, poor gluing and easy to crack.
Camphor: Material weight is moderate, fine structure, there is fragrance. The advantage of drying is not easy deformation, processing, finishing glue is better.
Willow: Material moderate, structure, slightly rough. The advantage of easy processing, bonding and finishing with good performance. The disadvantage is that a little dry cracking and warping.


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