Was once a symbol of wealth, luxury hardwood furniture, is now being more and more into the average consumer's family. But many consumers in the purchase of such furniture, often confuse them, after all, is what kind of material and can only be the name of Yi Gai with mahogany furniture. It is currently on the market hardwood furniture, its sources of material are mixed, generally include the following materials.
Mahogany wood is used in the furniture that legume Pterocarpus, Dalbergia valuable tree species in the high-quality dark-colored heartwood.
l: Rosewood
- Sandalwood Rosewood (Pterocarpussantalins), legumes (Legumiosac) Die Xinghua Industry Division (Papilionoideae) Pterocarpus (Ptcrocarpus) of the rare species. English name ROSEWOOD, REDSANDALWOOD, RED, SANDERS. Alias: Purple Chu, red sandalwood, rosewood, rose wood, rose wood, red sandalwood sea.
- The distribution of more or less the main producing area: sandalwood red sandalwood produced in the tropical areas of Asia such as India, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and South Pacific Islands, China, Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places is also a small amount of production.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood differentiated significantly, sapwood narrow, white; heartwood red or orange-red, long exposed to air become purple-brown; wood color than the average, common purple-brown stripes. Growth ring is not significant. Diffuse porous materials, pore over individual, containing red-brown gum and white sediments. Axial parenchyma banded (anti-tube from the tube), wing-shaped and ring-shaped tubes. Wood rays fine, separate the main track surface markings was not significant; rotating mask ripple. Wood and shiny, with a special aroma; interlaced texture, structure compact, corrosion-resistant, durability. Material hard heavy, delicate, air-dry density of 1.05-1.26g/cm. Containing red sandalwood wood element, soluble in alcohol or ether; wood powder or sawdust boiled Yexian fluorescence.
2: Yellow Rosewood
Dalbergia odorifera (Dallrorgia odothera), legumes (Leguminosa) Papilionoideae
(Papilionoideae) Dalbergia (Dalbergia) of the rare species. English name: SECNTBD
ROSEWOOD. Alias: In addition to fragrant wood, incense wood, palm flowers, incense sticks, pear mother.
- The distribution or primary producer: Dalbergia odorifera of rare species endemic to China, distributed in the Hainan Island Low
Elevation of the plains or hilly areas, are also cultivated Guangdong and Guangxi.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood difference significant. Sapwood pale yellow-brown; heartwood reddish-brown to reddish brown purple
Color, a long time then becomes dark; wood color is uneven, often mixed with dark brown stripes. Growth ring slightly out items. Diffuse porous wood or semi-ring porous materials, pore over individual, containing red-brown gum and white sediments. Axial parenchyma banded (waterfront business type, from the tube), wing-shaped, ring-shaped bundle-shaped and round circles. Wood-ray fine to small, double-row main track surface markings slightly forward, string mask ripple. Wood and shiny, a pungent aroma, slightly spicy taste with; texture oblique or staggered, structure, thin and uniform, corrosion-resistant, durability. Hard material weight, high strength, air-dry "density of 0.93 -
3: Suanzhi Mu
Class Dalbergia (Dalbergia spp), Fabaceae (Leguminosae) subfamily flower dish
(Papilionoideae) Dalbergia (Dalbergia) in a high-quality dark heartwood of the valuable tree species. English name: ROSEWOODBLACKWOOD so. Do not number: red sandalwood, mahogany, black wood and so on.
- Distribution and the main producing area: Dalbergia species found in tropical and industry in tropical regions. Are mainly grown in India, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Brazil, Madagascar and other countries, China's Yunnan Xishuangbanna and Lincang, Simao sector areas Banna Dalbergia (Dalbergia fusca pierre var
ennendra Zoo et liu) is black Dalbergia (D.rusca) of the variants, commonly known as wood horn.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood difference significant. Sapwood yellow and white to brown, departments, and other species of brown color; heartwood orange, light red brown, red brown, purple, purple-brown to dark brown; wood color does not mean, dark stripes significant growth ring was not significant or slightly significant. Microporous materials or semi-ring porous wood, single-pore, a few tracks out or dilute pore complex pore group, containing a dark-colored gums, sediments, or fill body invasion. Axial parenchyma wing shape, wing-shaped pouch, ribbon, ring-shaped bundle-shaped and round circles. Wood-ray fine to fine. Double-line-based; track surface markings are not significant or slightly out
Significant; string mask ripple. Wood and shiny, a sour or acid flavor (with a few of rose aroma), texture oblique or staggered, structure thin and uniform (with a few medium), corrosion-resistant, durability. Hard material weight, high strength, air-dry density of 0.75 ~ 1.28cm, usually submerged in water.
- Commodity timber main tree species: Dalbergia latifolia (Dlatifolia), black Dalbergia (D.fusca), knife
Like Dalbergia (D. Cultrata), Brazil's black Dalbergia (D. ni gra), Dalbergia cochinchinensis
(D.cochinchinensis), Myanmar Dalbergia (D, oliveri), East African black Dalbergia (D.melanoxvlon), Barry Tan (D.bariensis), Madagascar Dalbergia (D.greveana) Weiao Dalbergia (D.retusn) and so on.
4: Rosewood
Class Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus sPP), legumes (Leguminosae) Faboideae (Papilionoideae) Pterocarpus (pterccarpu) in a high-quality dark heartwood of the valuable tree species. English name PADAUK. NARRA, etc.. Alias: The new pear, fragrant wood and so on.
- The distribution or primary origin: Pterocarpus species found in tropical regions worldwide, mainly grown in India,
Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, Indonesia, Angola, Brazil and other countries. China's Hainan, Yunnan and Guangdong and Guangxi areas are introduction and cultivation.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood differentiated significantly, sapwood yellow white to gray-brown; heartwood light brown,
Orange-brown, red brown, purple to violet-brown; wood color more evenly, we can see dark stripes. Growth ring road is not significant or significant. Diffuse porous wood or semi-ring porous wood, single-tube bundle, a small number out multiple pore diameter, containing a dark-colored gums, sediments, or fill body invasion. Axial parenchyma wing-shaped, wing-shaped poly, ribbon, ring-shaped bundle-shaped and round circles. Wood-ray-axis to the very small, in order to separate the main; track surface markings are not significant or slightly forward; string mask ripple. Wood and shiny, with a slightly or significantly clear aroma; interlaced texture, structure, thin and are (department in South America, Africa produced a little thicker), corrosion-resistant, durable
Strong. Hard material weight (sectoral medium). High strength (department medium), air-dry density 0.6_1.01g/cm3. Often floating in water. Water extract of wood flour or wood chips, often noticeable fluorescence.
- Commodity timber main tree species: Burmese Rosewood (P. ma crocarpus), Vietnam Cambodian Rosewood
(P. cambodianus), Ukraine foot red sandalwood (P.pedarus), Andaman red sandalwood
(Pdalbergioides), fascicular red sandalwood (P.marsupium), Pterocarpus indicus (P. Indicus), thorn red sandalwood (P.ectllrlatus), African Padauk (P.soyauxii) and so on.
Persimmon Class (DIOspyros Spp), Ebenaceae (Ebenaceae) Diospyros (Diospyros) in the
With Xuanse heartwood of valuable tree species. English name: EBONY, MARHLEWOOD, ZEERA WOOD and so on. Do not number: ebony, marble pattern wood, zebra wood, ebony, kung trees. Distribution or primary origin: Diospyros significantly in the black
Colored heartwood are found mainly in tropical Asia and Africa, such as India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar
Austin, Viet Nam. Madagascar and other countries. Taiwan, China, Hainan and other places are also in production.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood differentiated significantly, sapwood white (with cinnamon, or schungite) to light reddish brown
Color; heartwood Xuanse (pure Xuanse or slightly jade color) and irregular heartwood black bag (with shades of white stripes arranged). Growth ring is not significant. Diffuse porous material, pores small to very small; separate and Path column, not the average, rich inclusions, Xuanse. Cut the main linear axial parenchyma. Fine to very fine wood rays; track surface markings was not significant, no string surface ripples. Shiny wood, no special flavor and taste, texture until the shallow staggered structure thin and uniform, corrosion-resistant, durability. Material hard heavy, delicate (with a sense of grease), air-dry density of 1,05-l2g / CM3, usually submerged in water
- Commodity timber main tree species: ebony (D.ebenum), Indian ebony (D. Melanoxylon), Andamanwu wood (D.marmorata), villi ebony (D, tomentosa), the East Indian ebony (D.montana, Diospyros comercio wood 〔D.diacolor), thick flap ebony (D.crnssiflorJ. pubescent Persimmon (D.mollis) and so on.
Chicken wing wood
Chicken wing wood, also known as wood,, Qi Zi wood, heartwood Zonghei for a class of white, the shape of wings of the feather pattern of precious timber species product name. Its main products were iron knives wooden timber species (Cassin siamea). Black Millettia (Millettia pendula) and so on.
1: siamea (Cassia siamea), legumes (Leguminosae) Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpinoideae) Cassia (Cassia) of valuable tree species. English name SIAME, SENNA, CASSIA.
Alias: black-hearted trees, Egyptian knife trees.
- The distribution or primary origin: chestnut trees mainly in the Asian tropics, such as India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar
Austin, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries. China, Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places is also a small amount of production.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood in a significant difference, while Cailue wide, yellow-white; heart wood millet brown to dark brown, common Xuanse stripes. The growth of transfer is not significant. Therefore, porous, pore size of the medium, slightly less evenly spread throughout the single-pore, a small number of multiple pore, containing Xuanse gums, sediments, or fill body invasion. Axial parenchyma abundant, bundle, wing-like and Pong-like concentric waves bandwidth pipe rounded, its width and mechanical organizations, with almost equal. Wood-ray small to very small, very dense; the surface of visible markings; string surface ripples seen. Wood gloss weak, no special flavor and taste; grain straight or slightly staggered, structure, slightly rough. Corrosion-resistant, durability. Hard material weight, high strength, air-dry density
2: Black Millettia (Millettia penduia), legumes (Leguminosae) Papilionoideae
(Papilionoideae) Millettia genus (Millettia) of valuable tree species. English name: THINWIN alias: see light Uzbekistan, small grain wood.
- The distribution or primary origin: Black Cliff beans produced in western Myanmar or Thailand.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood in a significant difference, while Cailue wide, gray-brown; heartwood dull red-brown to purple brown, with dark and light colors and white stripes. Growth ring is not significant. Diffuse porous material, pores small to very small size of the medium close to the same, are not evenly distributed; a single pore, a small number of multiple pore, pore containing Xuanse gums, sediments, or invasion of entry body. The amount of axial parenchyma more remarkable was wing-shaped, poly-wing-shaped, and connected into a concentric band. Fine to very fine wood rays; track surface markings visible; string surface ripples with locally. Shiny wood, no special flavor and taste; interlaced texture, structure, slightly thin, corrosion-resistant, durability. Hard material weight, high strength, air-dry density of 0.83 -
Hosiei Class (Ormosia spp), Fabaceae (Leguminosae) subfamily Butterfly flower color (Papilionoidea) Ormosia Jacks (Ormosia) in a high-quality dark heartwood of the valuable tree species. English name: ORMOSIA, SAGA, BAHAI so. Do not number: red bean wood, red heart red beans, red beans and so physically and mentally.
- The distribution or primary origin: red bean is a timber species found in tropical and subtropical regions, mainly grown in India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Sumatra, Guyana and other countries. Parts of southern China has produced.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood differentiated significantly, sapwood pale yellow; heart wood millet brown, orange-red-brown
To purple brown. Growth ring is not significant or slightly forward. Diffuse porous material, pores small to very small size of the medium; a single pore or re-pipe diameter column, the distribution of average, containing gums, sediments, or fill body invasion. Axial parenchyma abundant, unification-like, poly wing-shaped, ribbon, ring-shaped and round circles like camp. Fine to very fine wood rays; track surface markings visible; string mask ripple. Shiny wood, no special flavor and taste; straight or oblique texture, structure, thin and uniform (or slightly rough), corrosion-resistant, durability. Material re-hard (or medium) intensity is slightly higher (or medium), air-dry density 0.6-0.8g/CM3.
- Commodity timber main tree species: Henry Red Bean (O.hentfyl), western Hubei Red Bean (O.hosici), Lam green beans (O.olivacea), wooden pod red beans (o.xyhcarpa), lobular Red Bean (O. Micronhylla), Crimson red beans (O.coccinea). Sumatra Red Bean (o.sumatrana),. Kara Gui red beans (O.calavsis) and so on.
Iron Lei
Iron Lei Muk, also known as ferrea, iron wood (IRONWOOD), is a Grade hard, with a toughness of valuable tree species have lattice wood products timber species (Erythrophleum fordii), ferrea (Mesua ferrea) and so on.
1: Lattice Wood (Erytllropllleumfofdii), legumes (LegullliflOSS) Caesalpinioideae
(Caesalpinoideae) grid Aralia (Erythrophieum) of valuable tree species. English name: LIM, FORDERYTHROPHLEUM, alias: Tokyo wood, iron and water power.
- The distribution or primary origin: Lattice Wood governs produced in Vietnam and China's Guangdong and Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan and other places.
- Characteristics and Wood: Heartwood and Sapwood differentiated significantly, sapwood pale yellowish brown; heartwood reddish brown or dark red brown,
Often with shades of white stripes. Growth ring is not significant. Diffuse porous wood, pipe a small to medium, a few less; single pore and the short diameter pipe rolling out complex, containing a dark-colored gums or fill body invasion. Axial parenchyma significantly, wing-shaped, poly-shaped wing-shaped and round circles. Wood-ray fine; track surface markings can be seen that a partial string surface ripples. Shiny wood, no special flavor and taste; interlaced texture, structure, slightly thick, corrosion-resistant, durability. Hard material weight, high strength, air-dry density 0.80m/cm3.
2: ferrea (Mesua ferren), Guttiferae (Clusiaceae) (Guttiferae) Tie-Li
Aralia (Mesua) of valuable tree species. English name: GAUGAU, GANGAW, COMMON MESUA so.
Alias: Iron chestnut wood, iron, wood and so on edge.
- The distribution or primary origin: ferrea distributed in tropical areas of Asia such as India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia and Indo-China Peninsula. China's Yunnan Province and other places are also cultivated.
- Characteristics and wood properties: a significant difference between cardiac side of the village, light red-brown or gray sapwood reddish-brown; heartwood reddish-brown to purple-brown with dark stripes, the course of time turn dark brown was dark red. Growth ring is not significant. Diffuse porous material, pores small to medium, slightly less; a single pore, are not evenly distributed, oblique diameter column or columns, rich inclusions. Axial parenchyma was away from the pipe band. A ring pipe cell. Wood-ray small to medium, very dense track surface markings visible; string surface without ripples. Shiny wood, no special flavor and taste; interlaced texture, structure, thin and uniform, corrosion-resistant, durability. Hard material weight, high strength, air-dry density of 0.97 a 1.12g/CM3